Automation CI/CD DevOps

Backup Jenkins using File System Snapshots

Jenkins docs suggest several ways to backup Jenkins home data. One of the easiest and mysterious ones is using file system snapshots. Luckily there’s a great tool – Kopia which I’ll demo today. We’ll backup Jenkins controller’s data to S3 bucket on the cloud.

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Automation CI/CD DevOps

Running minikube in Docker container

In the last article we saw how to run Jenkins Docker in Docker Agent. In addition to its obvious use case of building and pushing Docker images, I also noted that such an agent allows to run minikube inside. Today, I’ll show how to run minikube in Docker container. Of course, we’ll use docker in docker client and daemon images for that.

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Automation CI/CD DevOps

Jenkins Docker in Docker Agent

So you installed Jenkins helm chart on Kubernetes cluster. Now you want to build Docker images. How would you do that? There are several ways. Today, we’ll focus on creating and using Jenkins Docker in Docker agent for that purpose.

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Automation CI/CD DevOps Orchestration

Kubernetes Volumes Introduction

What are Kubernetes volumes, their types and concepts behind them? We’ll cover all of that below. In addition, we’ll see practical demo of using Kubernetes volumes.

Automation Best Practices UI Testing Web Development

Selenium tests in Docker container. Chrome Browser in Docker too.

So you built a website. You even run it in Docker container. That’s perfect, but how do you test it? Do you have Selenium tests running in Docker container? Nice. Does the browser Selenium tests drive run in Docker container too? If you feel it’s too much, don’t worry. We’ll see an example with all of that covered 🙂 Keep reading to find out more.

Automation DevOps

HaProxy as HTTP proxy using Docker

While HaProxy has many uses, I’ll show how HaProxy can act as HTTP proxy. Why might you need it? For example, in order to forward HTTP traffic between 2 unreachable networks. As always, Docker will help us to raise a fully functional demo. Keep reading to find out how 🙂